The cleaning of your garage is not easy, so we have put together some of the best garage storage ideas. Check these tips to find ways to make your garage more organized.
To begin you need to pull things out of the garage into the driveway so you can take inventory. Separate things into piles. Cleaning, gardening supplies, sports equipment and out of season holiday stuff. Once it’s in piles and the garage is empty its time to figure out how to organize it.
This may mean you plan a trip to a home depot to get some organizing tools to put things back in an organized way. Look at the items you pulled out, what do you need more often? What types of things can be buried because you never need it? If you need something on a regular basis look for space with great easy access. If you have lots of tools, there are many great ways to organize those. Your hardware store might have great solutions.
Shelves in the garage
Maximize your garage storage space quickly and easily with simple, inexpensive shelves, baskets and hooks. And the garage storage shelves will allow you to organize your stuff in the garage.
Using storage containers
Plastic containers are one of the main garage storage systems to separate and organize your garage equipment by sport or projects. Consider containers of different colors for each sport/project so you can find what you need quickly. Try a dollar store for little tiny storage containers to hold and organize those little pieces.
Products for car care cabinets
Organize your automated channels, fluids and other items in a simple cabinet/work table. Keeping the products, you use for your autos all together makes it easy to access when you need them.
Try adding hooks on the walls
Any hardware store has a huge assortment of custom hooks to hang brooms, rakes, bikes, sports equipment. To initially set this up organize all the things you might be able to hang and remove them into the driveway, then sort them by category, garden, sports… Then take inventory of the types of handles your new wall system will need to have. Get to your hardware store with a complete list so you can buy the right types of hooks to get things organized together.
Garage roof railing storage
Get those big plastic containers from the garage floor and roof! Screw 2x2s to compose the roof with 3-1 / 2-in. Replacement screws every 2 feet Use the containers as a guide to space the 2x2s. The lips in the containers should only sweep 2×2 when they occupy the containers. Then, center and screw 1×4 on the 2×2 with 2 in. Screws the garage roof is a great place to store light seasonal items and medium weights such as Christmas decorations and sports equipment
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